Julio Garrido Campos

Doctor Ingeniero Telecomunicaciones (1999). (Phd)

Departamento de Enxeñería de Sistemas e Automática.

Direc.Postal(Postal Address): Escola de Enxeñeria Industrial, Campus Lagoas Marcosende

Universidade de Vigo , 36200, Vigo, Spain

Tlf: ++34 986812610; Fax: ++34 986814014

email: jgarri@uvigo.es; Web: http://www.uvigo.es/webs/jgarri

Grupo de investigación (Research Group)

Grupo de investigacion ESA (Research group) Link al grupo.

Laboratorio de investigación (Ricardo Marín Lab) (Research lab) Link al grupo.

Publicaciones (Publications)

Revistas Internacionales (International journals)

Mejoras de las Heurísticas de Greedy empleadas en el secuenciamiento de los Sistemas de Producción Multi-modelo y Multi-nivel

Juanjo Areal, R. Marín., Julio Garrido Campos

Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial (RIAI)

CEA-IFAC (ISSN: 1697-7912). Vol. 10, pp. 159-169, 2013 download

Standard machining process monitoring in STEP-NC manufacturing

J. Garrido, L. Rodríguez

Computers in Industry (CI)

Elsevier (ISSJN: 0166-3615). Vol 62, Nº 3, pp. 311-322, 2011. LINK, download

Production line balance with genetic algorithms

Juanjo Areal, R. Marín., Julio Garrido Campos

International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management (IJMTM)

Inderscience Enterprises Ltd (ISSN: 1368-2148). Vol 23., Nº 1/2. pp 113-136, 2011.

Modeling and implementing circular saw blade stone cutting process in STEP-NC

J. Garrido, R. Marín

Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

Elsevier Science Ltd. (ISSN 0736-5845). Vol 26, pp. 602-609, 2010 LINK, download

Machine Tools design and development for distance maintenance

J. Garrido. R. Marín, J. Armesto, J. Sáez

International Journal of Product Design (IJPD)

Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. (ISSN 1750-0591). Vol 5, Nº 1, pp. 26-38, 2010

STEP-NC compliant machine automation to support sawblade stone cutting machining

J. Garrido, Xun Xu

International Journal of Product Design (IJPD)

Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. (ISSN 1750-0591). Vol 5, Nº 1, 2010 LINK, download

Manufacturing traceability automation using features and nc-functions

J. Garrido, Martin Hardwick

Internacional Journal of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (IJCIM)

Taylor & Francis (ISSN: 0951-192X). Vol 22, Nº 2, pp 112-128, 2009 LINK

Modelo ISO 10303-STEP para la automatización del acceso a datos de procesos en nuevos sistemas de fabricación STEP-NC

Julio Garrido, R. Marín, J. Armesto, J. Sáez

Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial (RIAI)

CEA-IFAC (ISSN: 1697-7912). Vol. 6, Nº 1, pp. 105-116, 2009 LINK

Manufacturing Bidirectional Data Flows in Advanced collaborative CAD/CAM/CNC chains. Case Study: Manufacturing Traceability in STEP-NC

Julio Garrido Campos, Luis Rodríguez Míguez

International Journal of Information Technology and Management, (IJITM)

Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. (ISSN: 1461-4111), Vol. 8, Nº 3, pp 321-339, 2009 LINK

Manufacturing Traceability Data Management in the Supply Chain

Julio Garrido Campos, Luis Rodríguez Míguez

IJMTM International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management

Inderscience Enterprises Ltd (ISSN: 1368-2148) Vol. 16, Nº4, pp , 2009 LINK

Traceability Information Model for e-manufacturing CNC environments

J. Garrido. M. Hardwick

Computer-Aided Design

Elsevier (ISSN: 0010-4485), Vol 38. pp 540-551, 2006. LINK, download

A Traceability Model for Spread Manufacturing Environments

J. Garrido, R. Marín, J. Sáez, J.I. Armesto

Transactions on systems

(ISSN: 1109-2777),Nº3, Vol (6), pp. 5520-527, 2007

Real-Time Control development of Automated Material Handling Systems based on persistent objects: an industrial case study

R. Marín, J. Armesto, J. Garrido, J. Sáez, J.L. Trillo

IEE Computing & Control Engineering Journal

(ISSN: 0957-6061), Vol 14, Issue 1, pp. 32-38. 2003

Object Oriented Framework to develop automated warehousing systems based on STEP

R. Marín, J. Garrido, J.L Trillo, J.L. Armesto, J. Sáez

Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing

Elsevier Science Ltd. (ISSN 0736-5845), Vol 14, pp. 253-261, 1998

Design and Simulation of an automated overhead warehouse

R. Marín, J. Garrido, J.L Trillo, J.Sáez, J.L. Armesto

Integrated Manufacturing Systems: MCB University Press

(ISSN 0957-6061). Vol 9/5, pp. 308-313, 1998

Capítulo de Libro de Investigación (Book chapters)

STEP-NC compliant extension for CNC circular saw blade stone cutting technology

Julio Garrido Campos

En "Advanced Design and Manufacturing Based on STEP", Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing Book LINK

Editors: Xu, Xun; Nee, Andrew Y.C.

Ed. Springer (ISBN: 978-1-84882-738-7), 2009, (2010 2ºEdition). LINK, download chapter

Congresos Internacionales (International congresses)

Standard function blocks for product oriented programad process data acess.

J. Garrido

FAIM13: International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing

(ISBN:), Porto (Portugal), 2013.

Remote maintenance and fault analysis system for custom-made machine

J. Garrido, R. Marín

18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)

(ISBN:), Milán (Italia), 2011.

Improving the Goal-Ghasing method to solve the cars sequencing problem

J. Garrido, R. Marín, J.J. Areal.

IMS'10, 10'th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems.

(ISBN: 978-3-902661-77-7), Lisboa (Portugal), 2010.

Modelling and implementing circular saw blade stone cutting processes in STEP-NC

J. Garrido, R. Marín

FAIM09: International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing

(ISBN: 978-0-9562303-2-4), Middlesbrough (UK), 2009.

Realistic manufacturing system integration training with an assembly plant prototype based on transportation and warehousing systems

J. Garrido

FAIM09: International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing

(ISBN: 978-0-9562303-2-4), Middlesbrough (UK), 2009.

STEP-NC-compliant implementation to support mixed technology stone cutting machines

J. Garrido, R. Marín, J. Sáez, J.I. Armesto

IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics.

(ISBN: 978-1-4244-4195-2), Málaga (España), 2009.

E-traceability for ISO STEP CAD/CAM/CNC supply chains

J. Garrido, R. Marín, J. Sáez, J.I. Armesto

ICE'08, 14th Internacional Conference on Concurrent Engineering

(ISBN: 978-0-85358-244-1), Lisboa (Portugal). 2008.

STEP-NC data model extension for manufacturing traceability and CNC process monitoring

J. Garrido, R. Marín, J. Sáez, J.I. Armesto

FAIM08, 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing. Skovde

(ISBN: 978-91-633-2757-5), Skovde (Suecia). 2008.

Standard machining process monitoring in STEP-NC manufacturing

Julio Garrido Campos, Luis Rodríguez Míguez

IFAC Workshop on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (MIM'07)

(ISBN: 978-0-86197-141-1), Budapest (Hungría). 2007.

Step model for automation of process monitoring in STEP-NC close-loop manufacturing

Julio Garrido Campos, Ricardo Marín Martín, Juan Sáez López, José Ignacio Armesto

IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS'07)

(ISBN: 978-3-902661-23-4), Alicante (España). 2007.

e-Traceability: traceability for collaborative spread CAD-CAM-CNC manufacturing chains

J. Garrido, R. Marín, J. Sáez, J.I. Armesto

5th Internacional Conference on E-ACTIVITIES

(ISBN: 960-8457-56-4).Venecia (Italia), 2006.

Digital traceability from design to manufacturing in extended enterprises

Julio Garrido Campos, Luis Rodriguez Míguez

INCOM'2006: 12'th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Maufacturing

(ISBN: 0-08-044654-X), Saint-Etienne (Francia), 2006.

Automatic Generation of Integrated High Level Conceptual Designs

J. Garrido, R. Marín, J. Armesto, J. Sáez

MIM2000: IFAC Symposium on Manufacturing, Modelling, Management and Control

(ISBN: 0-08-043554-8, ISSN: 1474-6670), Patras (Grecia), 2000.

Concurrent Engineering Framework to Develop Industrial Automatization Systems based on STEP

J. Garrido, R. Marin, D. Downie

TMCE'98 , 2nd International Symposium, Tools and Methods For Concurrent Engineering

Manchester (UK), 1998.

Object Oriented Integrated Modelling for Real-Time System Implementations

R. Marin, J. Garrido, J. Armesto, J.L. Trillo, J. Sáez


Coimbra (Portugal), 1998.

Object Oriented Integrated Modelling for Real-Time System Implementations

R. Marín, J. Garrido, J. Armesto, J.L. Trillo, J. Sáez.

ICP´97, PLCOpen conference on Industrial Control Programming

Berlin (Alemania), 1997.

Object Oriented control for Automated Warehousing Systems. An Industrial Application

R. Marín, J. Garrido, J.L., J. Armesto, J.L. Trillo, J. Sáez

SICICA'97, IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications

(ISBN: 0-08-042608-5), Annecy (Francia). 1997.

An Industrial Automated Warehouse based on Overhead Trolleys

R. Marín, J. Garrido, J.L. Trillo, J. Sáez, J. Armesto

MCPL'97, IFAC/IFIP Conference on Management and control of Production and Logistics

(ISBN: 0-080-430368 9780080430362), Campinas (Brasil), 1997.

An Industrial Infrastructure for a Virtual Manufacturing Enterprise

M. Hardwick, D. Spooner, The Rose Team (J.Garrido was a member of the ROSE Team)

1 NIIIP congress

Washington (USA), 1995.

Object oriented modelling, design and simulation of an industrial autonomous mobile robot

F. Vázquez, R. Marín, J.L. Trillo, J. Garrido


Málaga (España). 1994.

A Case tool for modelling and simulating distributed control systems based on MMS

R. Marín, J.L. Trillo, J. Garrido

IFAC symposium on Distributed Computer Control Systems

Toledo (España), 1994.

Congresos Nacionales (National nongresses)

Entorno didáctico realista de integración de sistemas de fabricación sobre un prototipo de planta industrial

Julio Garrido Campos, Ricardo Marín Martín, Juan Sáez López, José Ignacio Armesto

XXXIII Jornadas de Automática

(ISBN: ?), Vigo, 2012.

Mantenimiento remoto para máquinas de corte de piedra hechas a medida

Julio Garrido Campos, Ricardo Marín Martín, Juan Sáez López, José Ignacio Armesto

XXXIII Jornadas de Automática

(ISBN: ?), Vigo, 2012.

Extensión del modelo ISO STEP-NC para la automatización de máquinas de corte de piedra con disco

Julio Garrido Campos, Ricardo Marín Martín, Juan Sáez López, José Ignacio Armesto

XXIX Jornadas de Automática

(ISBN: 978-84-9732-603-2), Tarragona, 2008.

Modelo ISO 10303-STEP para la automatización del acceso a datos de procesos en nuevos sistemas de fabricación STEP-NC

Julio Garrido Campos, Ricardo Marín Martín, Juan Sáez López, J osé Ignacio Armesto

XXVIII Jornadas de Automática

(ISBN: 978-84-690-7497-8), Huelva, 2007.

Entorno Orientado a Objetos para el desarrollo de Sistemas de Almacenamiento Automático Basado en STEP

R. Marín, J.L. Trillo, J. Armesto, J. Garrido, J. Sáez

XVII Jornadas de Automática

Santander, 1996.

Tesis doctorales y otras publicaciones (Phd's and other publications)

Tesis Doctoral (Phd). "Contribución al intercambio de datos de productos industriales en entornos de ingeniería concurrente"

Autor: Julio Garrido Campos. Director: Ricardo Marín Martín.

(ISBN: 84-8158-160-7), 1999.

Tesis Doctoral (Phd). "Resolución del problema de secuenciamiento de vehículos en un entorno industrial"

Autor: Juan José Areal Alonso. Director: Julio Garrido, Ricardo Marín.

(ISBN:), 2011.

A system for overhead storage of car seat covers

R. Marín, J. Garrido, J.L. Trillo, J. Armesto, J. Sáez

Straight Down into the Car. Artículo Revista: Combitec News, Siemens AG. System Engineering

(ISSN 1430-2276), Vol 6, pp. 3, 1997

Actividad Investigadora (Research activity)

Temas de Investigación (Reaerch areas)

Standard ISO 10303 STEP

Automatización de Sistemas CNC. Standard STEP-NC

Traceability for STEP-NC (Etrace )

STEP-NC extenssion for SawBlade Cutting (Stone_SawBladeCutting)

Sistemas de Trazabilidad de Procesos Industriales

Estancias en Centros de Investigación Extranjeros (abroad researching periods)

New York State Center for Advanced technology in Automation, Robotics and Manufacturing" (CAT/LIII)

Invited Research

Laboratory for Industrial Information Infraestructure

Rensselaer Politechnic Institute (RPI)

Troy, New York, USA. (1994-1995)

Computer Science Department

Visiting Research Scientist

Rensselaer Politechnic Institute (RPI)

Troy, New York, USA. (Diciembre 2004)

Proyectos Investigación con Financiación Pública-como Investigador Principal- (Public financed projects)

Técnicas para la integración formal de la trazabilidad en los procesos productivos. Aplicación e entornos avanzados de "e-manufacturing" y de "transporte y almacenamiento industrial

DPI2003-01967, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, España. (2007-2009)

Web del proyecto: ETRACE

Demos software desarrollado (soft demos): Download all demos (rar file 1.3 M)

Demo 1: Configuratión de Trazabilidad sobre Diseño CAM STEP-AP238 (traceability CAM Configuration)

Demo 2: Simulacion gráfica de mecanizado+trazabilidad STEP-AP238 (AP238 machining+traceability graphic simulation)

Demo 3: Revisíon datos trazabilidad sobre Diseño CAM STEP-AP238 (graphic data review on CAM)

Técnicas para el tratamiento estandar de la Trazabilidad en procesos productivos distribuidos. Aplicación a entornos e-collaborative CAD/CAM/CAPP

(DPI2006-05772), Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, España. (2003-2006)

Web del proyecto: XTRACE

Demos software desarrollado (soft. demos): Download all demos (rar file 0.3 M)

Demo 1: Configuración de Trazabilidad sobre Diseño CAM STEP-AP238 (traceability CAM Configuration)

Demo 2: Simulacion de mecanizado+trazabilidad STEP-AP238 (AP238 machining+traceability simulation)

Demo 3: Revisíon datos trazabilidad sobre Diseño CAM STEP-AP238 (data review on CAM)

Participación en organismos internacionales (International bodies contribution)

Miembro del ISO TC184/SC4 W3 T24, en calidad de experto nacional acreditado por AENOR (ISO TC184/SC4 W3 T24)

Informes Emitidos: (reports)

46th Plenary ISO TC184/SC4 Meeting, 2005-06-12/17. Valencia, España. Informe

48th Plenary ISO TC184/SC4 Meeting, 2006-03-05/10. Napoles, Italia. Informe

49th Plenary ISO TC184/SC4 Meeting, 2006-06-25/30. Toulouse, Francia. Informe

51th Plenary ISO TC184/SC4 Meeting, 2007-03-26/30. Dallas, Estados Unidos.

53th Plenary ISO TC184/SC4 Meeting, 2007-10-28/11-02. Funchal, Portugal.

ISO TC184/SC4 WG3/T24 STEP-Manufacturing, 10-12 3 2008. Skowde/Stockholm, Suecia. Informe, Foto del Meeting

Otros: (Teleconferencias ISO TC184/SC4 WG3/T24)

Red Colaboración Internacional (International net)

Proffesor Martin Hardwick

Computer Science Department

Rensselaer Politechnic Institute (RPI), New York, USA

Manufacturing traceability automation using features and nc-functions

J. Garrido, Martin Hardwick

Internacional Journal of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (IJCIM)

Taylor & Francis (ISSN: 0951-192X). Vol 22, Nº 2, pp 112-128, 2009. LINK

Traceability Information Model for e-manufacturing CNC environments

J. Garrido. M. Hardwick

Computer-Aided Design

Elsevier (ISSN: 0010-4485), Vol 38. pp 540-551, 2006. LINK, download

Proffesor Xun Xu

Department of Mechanical Engineering

School of Engineering, University of Auckland, New Zeland

STEP-NC compliant extension for CNC circular saw blade stone cutting technology

Julio Garrido Campos

En "Advanced Design and Manufacturing Based on STEP", Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing Book LINK

Editors: Xu, Xun; Nee, Andrew Y.C.

Ed. Springer (ISBN: 978-1-84882-738-7), 2009, (2010 2ºEdition). LINK, download chapter

STEP-NC compliant machine automation to support sawblade stone cutting machining

J. Garrido, Xun Xu

International Journal of Product Design (IJPD)

Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. (ISSN 1750-0591), Vol 5, Nº 1, 2010. LINK, download